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11 results were reported for ACE-inhibitory peptides: IY
No. DFBP ID AA sequence Peptide/Function name IC50 Precursor protein PubDate
1 DFBPACEI0013 IY ACE-inhibitory peptide 2.31 uM, 3.7 uM [1-2]
Bonito protein 1999
2 DFBPACEI1171 IY ACE-inhibitory peptide

6.1 uM, 2.65 μM [1]

Wakame hydrolysates 2002
3 DFBPACEI1190 IY ACE-inhibitory peptide

2.7 uM

Extract of wakame powder 2004
4 DFBPACEI1350 IY ACE-inhibitory peptide

3.7 uM

Rapseed meal protein 2003
5 DFBPACEI1355 IY ACE-inhibitory peptide 2.4 uM Sake lees 1994
6 DFBPACEI1361 IY ACE-inhibitory peptide 2.1 uM Wheat germ hydrolysates 1999
7 DFBPACEI0481 IY ACE-inhibitory peptide 10.5 uM Muscle protein 1994
8 DFBPACEI0483 IY ACE-inhibitory peptide 6.4 uM Bovine hide collagen 2011
9 DFBPACEI1586 IY ACE-inhibitory peptide

3.4 ± 0.11 μM

Wheat milling byproducts (whole grain, bran, shorts and red dog) 2009
10 DFBPACEI1886 IY ACE-inhibitory peptide N.D Amaranth glutelins 2010
11 DFBPACEI1987 IY ACE-inhibitory peptide 5.2 ± 1.4 μM Soy/Rice/Wheat/Pea proteins 2017
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