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List of peptide properties
DFBP ID - DFBPAGPE0002(Alpha-gliadin peptide)
Peptide sequence YPQPQ
Type Native peptide
Peptide/Function name α-Gliadin peptide, α-Gliadin-(43-47)
Function-activity relationship
Main bioactivity

Coeliac toxic activity

Otheir bioactivity N.D
Calculated physicochemical properties
Three-letter amino acid Tyr-Pro-Gln-Pro-Gln
Single-letter amino acid YPQPQ
Peptide length 5
Peptide mass
Experimental mass Theoretical mass
631.6660 Da 631.69 Da c
Net charge 0.00 c
Isoelectric point (pI) 5.92 c
IC50 N.D
pIC50 N.D
GRAVY -2.3000 c
Hydrophilic residue ratio 40% c
Peptide calculator
To calculate the physicochemical properties of bioactive peptide.
Peptide source & Food-borne protein(s) search
Classification Plant
Organism/Source Wheat gluten
Precursor protein α-Gliadin
Residue position

f(43-47) [1]

Precursor protein(s) search
Source.1: DFBPPR0379 ---- Plant protein ---- Alpha-gliadin
Source.2: DFBPPR0380 ---- Plant protein ---- Alpha-gliadin
Source.3: DFBPPR0381 ---- Plant protein ---- Alpha-gliadin
Source.4: DFBPPR0382 ---- Plant protein ---- Alpha-gliadin
Source.5: DFBPPR0383 ---- Plant protein ---- Alpha-gliadin
Source.6: DFBPPR0384 ---- Plant protein ---- Alpha-gliadin
Source.7: DFBPPR0385 ---- Plant protein ---- Alpha-gliadin
Source.8: DFBPPR0389 ---- Plant protein ---- Alpha-gliadin
Source.9: DFBPPR0390 ---- Plant protein ---- B3144=ALPHA-gliadin derived CELIAC active peptide
Source.10: DFBPPR0391 ---- Plant protein ---- B3143=ALPHA-gliadin derived CELIAC active peptide
Source.11: DFBPPR6853 ---- Plant proteins ---- Alpha/beta-gliadin MM1
Source.12: DFBPPR6930 ---- Plant proteins ---- Alpha/beta-gliadin
Source.13: DFBPPR6934 ---- Plant proteins ---- Alpha/beta-gliadin clone PW1215
Source.14: DFBPPR6936 ---- Plant proteins ---- Alpha/beta-gliadin A-II
Source.15: DFBPPR6937 ---- Plant proteins ---- Alpha/beta-gliadin A-IV
Source.16: DFBPPR6938 ---- Plant proteins ---- Alpha/beta-gliadin clone PW8142
Source.17: DFBPPR6939 ---- Plant proteins ---- Alpha/beta-gliadin A-V
Source.18: DFBPPR6940 ---- Plant proteins ---- Alpha/beta-gliadin A-III
Source.19: DFBPPR6941 ---- Plant proteins ---- Alpha/beta-gliadin A-I
There are no literature reports on the discovery of this sequence in other food-source proteins.
Biological/Functional activity & target protein
Coeliac toxic activity

The peptide was tested for inhibition of leukocyte migration in 47 patients with celiac disease. In nineteen patients, all on normal diet, leukocyte migration was inhibited by the peptides and naloxone blocked this effect. In twenty-eight patients (24 of whom were on strict gluten-free diet) leukocyte migration was not affected by the peptides. The results suggest that α-gliadin-(43-47) is closely related to the active fragment, or to one of the active fragments of α-gliadin, and that it interacts with receptors that are similar to but not identical with the known opiate receptors.

Specific target protein(s) N.D
Taste properties & Structure
Literature report N.D
Bitter prediction tools Bitter taste prediction
SMILES N[C@@]([H])(Cc1ccc(O)cc1)C(=O)N1[C@@]([H])(CCC1)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(CCC(=O)N)C(=O)N1[C@@]([H])(CCC1)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(CCC(=O)N)C(=O)O
Preparation method
Mode of preparation

Synthesis peptide

Enzyme(s)/starter culture

The peptide was synthesized using solid-phase methodology.

Stability & Cytotoxicity
Peptide stability
Literature report: N.D
EHP-Tool: Enzymatic Hydrolysis Prediction Tool (EHP-Tool)
Peptide cytotoxicity
Literature report: N.D
Prediction: ToxinPred
Additional information
Additional information N.D
Database cross-references
BIOPEP-UWM [D1] 2797
APD [D2] -
BioPepDB [D3] -
MBPDB [D4] -
Primary literature Graf L, Horvath K, Walcz E, Berzetei I, Burnier J. Effect of two synthetic alpha-gliadin peptides on lymphocytes in celiac disease: identification of a novel class of opioid receptors. Neuropeptides. 1987 Feb-Mar;9(2):113-22.
PMID: 3033541
Other literature(s)

[1] Kasarda D D, Okita T W, Bernardin J E, et al. Nucleic Acid (cDNA) and Amino Acid Sequences of α -Type Gliadins from Wheat (Triticum aestivum)[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1984, 81(15):4712-4716.

PubDate 1987
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