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List of peptide properties
DFBP ID - DFBPANHY0557(Antihypertensive peptide)
Peptide sequence LQSW
Type Native peptide
Peptide/Function name Antihypertensive peptide
Function-activity relationship
Main bioactivity Antihypertensive activity
Otheir bioactivity ACE-inhibitory activity [D1], Multifunctional activity [D2]
Calculated physicochemical properties
Three-letter amino acid Leu-Gln-Ser-Trp
Single-letter amino acid LQSW
Peptide length 4
Peptide mass
Experimental mass Theoretical mass
N.D 532.59 Da c
Net charge 0.00 c
Isoelectric point (pI) 5.97 c
IC50 N.D
pIC50 N.D
GRAVY -0.3500 c
Hydrophilic residue ratio 50% c
Peptide calculator
To calculate the physicochemical properties of bioactive peptide.
Peptide source & Food-borne protein(s) search
Classification Animal
Organism/Source Milk Protein
Precursor protein β-Casein
Residue position f(140-143)
Precursor protein(s) search
Source.1: DFBPPR0855 ---- Plant proteins ---- LRR receptor kinase BAK1
Source.2: DFBPPR0871 ---- Plant proteins ---- LRR receptor kinase SERK2
Source.3: DFBPPR1567 ---- Plant proteins ---- Protein argonaute PNH1
Source.4: DFBPPR1616 ---- Plant proteins ---- Anthranilate synthase alpha subunit 2, chloroplastic
Source.5: DFBPPR1800 ---- Plant proteins ---- APETALA2-like protein 4
Source.6: DFBPPR2113 ---- Plant proteins ---- Neutral/alkaline invertase 1, mitochondrial
Source.7: DFBPPR2206 ---- Plant proteins ---- Leucine-rich repeat protein 1
Source.8: DFBPPR3648 ---- Plant proteins ---- Putative lipoxygenase 5
Source.9: DFBPPR3675 ---- Plant proteins ---- Neutral/alkaline invertase 3, chloroplastic
Source.10: DFBPPR7653 ---- Milk proteins ---- Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A
Source.11: DFBPPR7693 ---- Milk proteins ---- Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A
Source.12: DFBPPR7718 ---- Milk proteins ---- Beta-casein
Source.13: DFBPPR8385 ---- Plant proteins ---- Alpha-methyl-mannoside-specific lectin
Source.14: DFBPPR8489 ---- Milk proteins ---- Beta-casein
Source.15: DFBPPR8506 ---- Milk proteins ---- Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A
Source.16: DFBPPR16622 ---- Animal proteins ---- EGF domain-specific O-linked N-acetylglucosamine transferase
Source.17: DFBPPR16761 ---- Animal proteins ---- NADP-dependent malic enzyme
Source.18: DFBPPR19114 ---- Animal proteins ---- Protein C-ets-2
Source.19: DFBPPR20270 ---- Animal proteins ---- EGF domain-specific O-linked N-acetylglucosamine transferase
Source.20: DFBPPR20702 ---- Animal proteins ---- 5-azacytidine-induced protein 2
Source.21: DFBPPR21301 ---- Animal proteins ---- Lymphocyte antigen 6D
Source.22: DFBPPR21767 ---- Animal proteins ---- Tudor domain-containing protein 5
Source.23: DFBPPR22155 ---- Animal proteins ---- IQ domain-containing protein F1
Source.24: DFBPPR22649 ---- Animal proteins ---- IQ domain-containing protein F5
Source.25: DFBPPR8610 ---- Animal proteins ---- Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B
Source.26: DFBPPR9066 ---- Animal proteins ---- Aminoacylase-1
Source.27: DFBPPR10577 ---- Animal proteins ---- Frizzled-10
Source.28: DFBPPR10927 ---- Animal proteins ---- Frizzled-7
Source.29: DFBPPR11030 ---- Animal proteins ---- Protein C-ets-2
Source.30: DFBPPR11280 ---- Animal proteins ---- KICSTOR complex protein kaptin
Source.31: DFBPPR11385 ---- Animal proteins ---- EGF domain-specific O-linked N-acetylglucosamine transferase
Source.32: DFBPPR12257 ---- Animal proteins ---- Polyunsaturated fatty acid lipoxygenase ALOX15
Source.33: DFBPPR12559 ---- Animal proteins ---- Peroxisomal acyl-coenzyme A oxidase 2
Source.34: DFBPPR15016 ---- Microorganism protein ---- Very-long-chain 3-oxoacyl-CoA reductase
Source.35: DFBPPR15096 ---- Microorganism protein ---- Acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase 2
Source.36: DFBPPR15745 ---- Microorganism protein ---- Protein FYV8
There are no literature reports on the discovery of this sequence in other food-source proteins.
Biological/Functional activity & target protein
Antihypertensive activity

The peptide hardly exhibited antihypertensive activity in SHR at a dosage of 1 mg of peptide/kg of BW by 6 h after oral administration (-1.6 ? 3.4 mm Hg).

Specific target protein(s) N.D
Taste properties & Structure
Literature report N.D
Bitter prediction tools No prediction can be made about the peptide bitterness. prediction
SMILES N[C@@]([H])(CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(CCC(=O)N)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(CO)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(CC(=CN2)C1=C2C=CC=C1)C(=O)O
Preparation method
Mode of preparation Enzymatic hydrolysis
Enzyme(s)/starter culture

Milk proteins were hydrolyzed by an extracellular proteinase from Lactobacillus helveticus CP790.

Stability & Cytotoxicity
Peptide stability
Literature report: N.D
EHP-Tool: Enzymatic Hydrolysis Prediction Tool (EHP-Tool)
Peptide cytotoxicity
Literature report: Non-Toxin
Prediction: ToxinPred
Additional information
Additional information N.D
Database cross-references
BIOPEP-UWM [D3] 3397
APD [D4] -
BioPepDB [D5] -
MBPDB [D6] -
Primary literature Maeno, M., Yamamoto, N., Takano, T. Identification of an Antihypertensive Peptide from Casein Hydrolysate Produced by a Proteinase from Lactobacillus helveticus CP790. Journal of Dairy Science. 1996, 79, 1316-21.
Other literature(s)

[1] Fitzgerald R J, Murray B A, Walsh D J. Hypotensive peptides from milk proteins.[J]. Journal of Nutrition, 2004, 34(4):980S.
[2] ZsuzsannaBösze. Bioactive Components of Milk[M]. Springer New York, 2008.
[3] Martinez-Maqueda, D., et al., Antihypertensive peptides from food proteins: a review. Food Funct, 2012. 3(4): p. 350-361.

PubDate 1996
Copyright © 2020. Record / license number: Chongqing ICP No. 2000214