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List of peptide properties
DFBP ID - DFBPANOX0160(Antioxidative peptide)
Peptide sequence AIRQGDVF
Type Native peptide
Peptide/Function name Antioxidative peptide
Function-activity relationship
Main bioactivity Antioxidative activity
Otheir bioactivity N.D
Calculated physicochemical properties
Three-letter amino acid Ala-Ile-Arg-Gln-Gly-Asp-Val-Phe
Single-letter amino acid AIRQGDVF
Peptide length 8
Peptide mass
Experimental mass Theoretical mass
907.53 Da 905.01 Da c
Net charge 0.00 c
Isoelectric point (pI) 6.74 c
IC50 N.D
pIC50 N.D
GRAVY 0.1750 c
Hydrophilic residue ratio 62.5% c
Peptide calculator
To calculate the physicochemical properties of bioactive peptide.
Peptide source & Food-borne protein(s) search
Classification Plant
Organism/Source Crude rice bran protein (Oryza sativa)
Precursor protein Phytate-free rice bran protein
Residue position N.D
Precursor protein(s) search
There are no literature reports on the discovery of this sequence in other food-source proteins.
Biological/Functional activity & target protein
Antioxidative activity

The antioxidative activity was determined using the ferric thiocyanate method and the peptide AIRQGDVF was isolated from the highest antioxidant fraction in phytate-free rice bran protein hydrolysate (data not shown).

Specific target protein(s) N.D
Taste properties & Structure
Literature report N.D
Bitter prediction tools Non-bitter taste prediction
SMILES N[C@@]([H])(C)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])([C@]([H])(CC)C)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(CCCNC(=N)N)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(CCC(=O)N)C(=O)NCC(=O)N[C@@]([H])(CC(=O)O)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(Cc1ccccc1)C(=O)O
Preparation method
Mode of preparation Enzymatic hydrolysis
Enzyme(s)/starter culture

The phytate-free rice bran protein was hydrolysed with proteases P under optimal conditions for 4 h.

Stability & Cytotoxicity
Peptide stability
Literature report: N.D
EHP-Tool: Enzymatic Hydrolysis Prediction Tool (EHP-Tool)
Peptide cytotoxicity
Literature report: N.D
Prediction: ToxinPred
Additional information
Additional information

Peptide has 100% homologies with the putative globulin-like Oryza sativa japonica cultivar group.

Database cross-references
BIOPEP-UWM [D1] 8146
APD [D2] -
BioPepDB [D3] -
MBPDB [D4] -
Primary literature Adebiyi, A.P., Adebiyi, A.O., Ogawa, T., Muramoto, K. Purification and characterisation of antioxidative peptides from unfractionated rice bran protein hydrolysates. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 2008, 43, 35-43.
Other literature(s) N.D
PubDate 2008
Copyright © 2020. Record / license number: Chongqing ICP No. 2000214