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List of peptide properties
DFBP ID - DFBPANOX0248(Antioxidative peptide)
Peptide sequence DAQEKLE
Type Native peptide
Peptide/Function name Antioxidative peptide
Function-activity relationship
Main bioactivity Antioxidative activity
Otheir bioactivity N.D
Calculated physicochemical properties
Three-letter amino acid Asp-Ala-Gln-Glu-Lys-Leu-Glu
Single-letter amino acid DAQEKLE
Peptide length 7
Peptide mass
Experimental mass Theoretical mass
832.5 Da 831.87 Da c
Net charge 0.00 c
Isoelectric point (pI) 3.88 c
IC50 N.D
pIC50 N.D
GRAVY -1.7571 c
Hydrophilic residue ratio 28.57% c
Peptide calculator
To calculate the physicochemical properties of bioactive peptide.
Peptide source & Food-borne protein(s) search
Classification Animal
Organism/Source Pig
Precursor protein Porcine myofibrillar proteins (tropomyosin)
Residue position N.D
Precursor protein(s) search
Link 1: DFBPANOX0056----Pig----Porcine myofibrillar protein hydrolysates
Biological/Functional activity & target protein
Antioxidative activity

(1) The porcine myofibrillar protein hydrolysate obtained by a papain treatment showed antioxidative activity in a system of linolenic acid peroxidation induced by Fe2+. The five peptides, DSGVT, IEAEGE, DAQEKLE, EELDNALN, and VPSIDDQEELM, have been characterized as antioxidative peptides.
(2) Four peptides showed antioxidative activity at a concentration of 0.1% in an aqueous lipid peroxidation system. The sample concentration for DSGVT and IEAEGE was 1.5mM, for DAQEKLE was 1.2mM, for EELDNALN was 1.1 mM, and for VPSIDDQEELM was 0.8 mM, DSGVT having no antioxidative effect at 0.1% [1].
(3) Their short peptides with amino acid deletions at the C- or N-termini were synthesized. The antioxidative activity gradually decreased with decreasing peptide length. Replacing the charged amino acids in these peptide sequences with Ala also affected their antioxidative activity. We hypothesize that the anions from acidic amino acids and the cations from iron interacted with each other and inactivated the prooxidant, Fe (II) [1].

Specific target protein(s) N.D
Taste properties & Structure
Literature report N.D
Bitter prediction tools Non-bitter taste prediction
SMILES N[C@@]([H])(CC(=O)O)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(C)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(CCC(=O)N)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(CCC(=O)O)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(CCC(=O)O)C(=O)O
Preparation method
Mode of preparation Enzymatic hydrolysis
Enzyme(s)/starter culture

Peptide obtained by hydrolysis of pork's myofibrillar protein by protease treatment (papain or actinase E).

Stability & Cytotoxicity
Peptide stability
Literature report: N.D
EHP-Tool: Enzymatic Hydrolysis Prediction Tool (EHP-Tool)
Peptide cytotoxicity
Literature report: N.D
Prediction: ToxinPred
Additional information
Additional information N.D
Database cross-references
BIOPEP-UWM [D1] 7882
APD [D2] -
BioPepDB [D3] -
MBPDB [D4] -
Primary literature Saiga A, Tanabe S, Nishimura T. Antioxidant activity of peptides obtained from porcine myofibrillar proteins by protease treatment. J Agric Food Chem. 2003 Jun 4;51(12):3661-7.
PMID: 12769542
Other literature(s)

[1] Egusa S A, Nishimura T. Antioxidative properties of peptides obtained from porcine myofibrillar proteins by a protease treatment in an Fe (II)-induced aqueous lipid peroxidation system.[J]. Bioscience Biotechnology & Biochemistry, 2013, 77(11):2201-4.

PubDate 2003
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