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List of peptide properties
DFBP ID - DFBPDPIV0038(DPP IV-inhibitory peptide)
Peptide sequence IPIQY
Type Native peptide
Peptide/Function name DPP-IV inhibitory peptide, Anti-diabetic peptide
Function-activity relationship
Main bioactivity DPP-IV inhibitory activity
Otheir bioactivity Antioxidative activity [D1], Multifunctional activity [D2]
Calculated physicochemical properties
Three-letter amino acid Ile-Pro-Ile-Gln-Tyr
Single-letter amino acid IPIQY
Peptide length 5
Peptide mass
Experimental mass Theoretical mass
N.D 632.75 Da c
Net charge 0.00 c
Isoelectric point (pI) 5.92 c
IC50 N.D
pIC50 N.D
GRAVY 0.5200 c
Hydrophilic residue ratio 60% c
Peptide calculator
To calculate the physicochemical properties of bioactive peptide.
Peptide source & Food-borne protein(s) search
Classification Animal
Organism/Source Bovine milk protein
Precursor protein κ-Casein
Residue position


Precursor protein(s) search
There are no literature reports on the discovery of this sequence in other food-source proteins.
Biological/Functional activity & target protein
DPP IV-inhibitory activity

The peptide showed potent inhibitory activity for Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (EC with the IC50 value of 35.2 ± 1.8 μM (p = 0.05). The peptide displayed a substrate-type of inhibition towards DPP-IV. Its DPP-IV inhibitory pattern was shown by Lineweaver–Burk plots to be a competitive inhibition pattern [2].

Specific target protein(s) Specific Target Protein(s):
Dipeptidyl peptidase 4
Taste properties & Structure
Literature report N.D
Bitter prediction tools Bitter taste prediction
SMILES N[C@@]([H])([C@]([H])(CC)C)C(=O)N1[C@@]([H])(CCC1)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])([C@]([H])(CC)C)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(CCC(=O)N)C(=O)N[C@@]([H])(Cc1ccc(O)cc1)C(=O)O
Preparation method
Mode of preparation

Enzymatic hydrolysis

Enzyme(s)/starter culture

In silico digestion of individual milk proteins was carried out with the peptide cutter program (ExPASy, 2011) using gastrointestinal enzymes (pepsin, trypsin and chymotrypsin).

Stability & Cytotoxicity
Peptide stability
Literature report:
Table 1 Concentration of milk protein-derived peptides inducing 50% inhibition (IC50) of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) pre- (control) and post-hydrolysis of the milk protein-derived peptides with DPP-IV following incubation at 37 °C for 18 h at a low (1 U: 1 g peptide) and high (10 U: 1 g peptide) enzyme to substrate ratio (E:S).
Low E:S
High E:S
26.7 ± 0.6 c
31.1 ± 0.3 c
40.4 ± 0.4 d
* Values represent mean IC50 values ± confidence interval (P = 0.05), n = 3. Values with different superscript letters are significantly different (P < 0.05).

EHP-Tool: Enzymatic Hydrolysis Prediction Tool (EHP-Tool)
Peptide cytotoxicity
Literature report: N.D
Prediction: ToxinPred
Additional information
Additional information

The results presented herein are relevant to the management of type 2 diabetes with functional foods involving multi-target sites for DPP-IV inhibition in humans.

Database cross-references
BIOPEP-UWM [D3] 8613
APD [D4] -
BioPepDB [D5] -
MBPDB [D6] -
Primary literature Nongonierma AB, FitzGerald RJ. Susceptibility of milk protein-derived peptides to dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) hydrolysis. Food Chem. 2014 Feb 15;145:845-52.
PMID: 24128555
Other literature(s)

[1] Nongonierma A B, Fitzgerald R J. An in silico model to predict the potential of dietary proteins as sources of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory peptides[J]. Food Chemistry, 2014, 165(20):489-498.
[2] Nongonierma A B, Fitzgerald R J. Structure activity relationship modelling of milk protein-derived peptides with dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory activity[J]. Peptides, 2016, 79:1-7.

PubDate 2014
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