1. Home
1.1 Introduction
DFBP1.0 (http://www.cqudfbp.net) is a comprehensive database of food-derived bioactive peptides. All the data are manually integrated by "Literature Retrieving-Data Extraction-Information Integration". DFBP can (i) provide an intelligent retrieval and analysis platform for food-derived bioactive peptides, (ii) bring the detailed information about the physicochemical characteristics of food-derived bioactive peptides to facilitate the discovery of new peptide-based drugs and healthy food, and (iii) help users better investigate how peptides exert their bioactive effects on molecular level, for food-derived peptides.
DFBP mainly consists of 3 parts: Food-derived bioactive peptides, Food-borne proteins and Application tools. The construction process of DFBP is as follows:
1.2 Search
The home page provides special search module "Peptide Search" and "Protein Search":
1.2.1 Peptide search
"Peptide Search" provides three search methods, including "Quick Search", "Advanced Search" and "Multifunctional Peptide Search".
(1) Qucik Search: This search module supports conditional search based on eight items of bioactive peptides, including All, DFBP ID, AA sequence, AA length, Peptide name, Source/Organism, Precursor protein and Pubdate. The search options are explained as follows:
  • All: At the same time, the following 7 kinds of peptide properties were retrieved by fuzzy query.
  • DFBP ID: Search by peptide ID (DFBP database number).
  • Sequence: Search by peptide sequence.
  • Length: Search by peptide length.
  • Term: Search by peptide name.
  • Source: Search by peptide source/organism.
  • Precursor prorein: Search by precursor prorein contained peptide.
  • Pubdate: Search by literature publication date.
(2) Advanced Search: This search module supports selective search of 29 types of bioactive peptides, and conditional selection based on the following five items: DFBP ID, Fixed length, Range length, Specific sequence and Blast sequence.
The search options are explained as follows:
  • DFBP ID: Search by peptide ID (DFBP database number).
  • Fixed length: Search by peptide length.
  • Range length: Search for peptides within the specified length range.
  • Specific sequence: Search for a bioacitve peptide of the specified sequence.
  • Blast sequence: Search by user-defined mask sequence. This option allows users to mask the amino acid at the specified position with X for ambiguous search. For example, HXXK represents a tetrapeptide with histidine at the N-terminus and lysine at the C-terminus.
This search operation requires 3 steps to complete, please refer to "Help" prompt below:
During using, if improper operation, an error message will appear, for example:
(3) Multifunctional Peptide Search: This is a search tool specifically for multifunctional bioactive peptides. It's helpful for discovery of multifunctional peptides and their mechanism of action. DFBP includes currently 735 bioactive peptides with multifunctional characteristics, indicating that there is a certain relationship between bioactive peptides with different functions.
The search options are explained as follows:
  • DFBP ID: Search by peptide ID (DFBP database number).
  • Fixed length: Search by peptide length.
  • Range length: Search for peptides within the specified length range.
  • Specific sequence: Search for a bioacitve peptide of the specified sequence.
  • Blast sequence: Search by user-defined mask sequence. This option allows users to mask the amino acid at the specified position with X for ambiguous search. For example, HXXK represents a tetrapeptide with histidine at the N-terminus and lysine at the C-terminus.
1.2.2 Protein search
"Protein Search" not only supprots six search items for proteins (All, DFBP ID, UniProtKB, Source/Organism, Protein name and AA length), but also provides browsing links for five types of proteins.
The search options are explained as follows:
  • All: At the same time, the following 5 kinds of protein properties were retrieved by fuzzy query.
  • DFBP ID: Search by protein ID (DFBP database number).
  • UniProtKB: Search by UniProtKB (https://www.uniprot.org/).
  • Source/Organism: Search by protein source/organism.
  • Protein name: Search by protein name.
  • AA length: Search by protein length.
1.3 Applications
Food contains a large number of bioactive peptides, which are closely related to the occurrence and development of many chronic diseases, and are of great significance for promoting human health. DFBP is mainly used in the following contents:
  • Data retrieval: DFBP DFBP has collected 29 types of bioactive peptides (Total 5987 entries for 3808 peptides) and 30 types of characteristics for each peptide. Furthermore, food-derived proteins including bioactive peptides in 60 species are traced and 10 types of attributes for 21249 proteins are analyzed. 735 multifunctional bioactive peptides are identified. DFBP also collects 993 literatures. It can be used to search for food-derived bioactive peptides, food-borne proteins and related literatures.
  • Drug design: Bioactive peptides can perform multiple functions in the human body, such as anti-hypertension, anti-oxidation, anti-diabetics and anti-coagulation. Therefore, peptides can be used to develop new peptide-based drugs.
  • Functional food: Food-derived bioactive peptides are safe, non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and rich in sources, and can perform multiple functions in the human body. Therefore, they can be used to develop new peptide-based functional food.
  • Modeling analysis: DFBP provides multiple analysis tools, such as Peptide calculator, AASD-Tool, to automatically generate the physicochemical properties and the feature vector descriptors of the peptides. The calculated parameters can be used for molecular modeling and bioinformatics prediction, etc.