Descriptors of Lin for 20 coded amino acids.
AA Abbr. Van Der Waal’s volume a Net chare index Hydrophobicity
Ala A 0.05702 0.007187 0.42
Arg R 0.58946 0.043587 -1.37
Asn N 0.22972 0.005392 -0.82
Asp D 0.21051 -0.02382 -1.05
Cys C 0.14907 -0.03661 1.34
Gln Q 0.34861 0.049211 -0.30
Glu E 0.32837 0.006802 -0.87
Gly G 0.00279 0.179052 0.00
His H 0.37694 -0.01069 0.18
Ile I 0.37671 0.021631 2.46
Leu L 0.37876 0.051672 2.32
Lys K 0.45363 0.017708 -1.35
Met M 0.38872 0.002683 1.68
Phe F 0.55298 0.037552 2.44
Pro P 0.22790 0.239531 0.98
Ser S 0.09204 0.004627 -0.05
Thr T 0.19341 0.003352 0.35
Trp W 0.79351 0.037977 3.07
Tyr Y 0.61150 0.023599 1.31
Val V 0.25674 0.057004 1.66
a Three kinds of physicochemical parameters selected from properties of 20 coded amino acids, namely Van Der Waal’s volume, net charge index and hydrophobic parameter, construct the vectors to characterize the structures of peptides.
References [1] Z. H. Lin, H. X. Long, Z. Bo, Y. Q. Wang, Y. Z. Wu, New descriptors of amino acids and their application to peptide QSAR study, Peptides, 29 (2008) 1798-1805.