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ACEiPP help
Since ACEiPs is mainly concentrated in the length of 2-19, and the features learned by the model are also within this range, in order to ensure the accuracy of model prediction, the length of the peptide sequence should be between 2 and 19.
ACEiPP provides two sample submission styles. If your sample size is less than 200, you can submit it directly through the input text box (Style 1). Otherwise, it is recommended to submit through the upload file (Style 2).
Style 1: Submit sequences
Step 1: Enter a signle sequence or several sequences in FASTA format into the field below:
  • Please enter peptide sequence in FASTA format including name and sequence.
  • Please enter less than 200 samples for each forecast.
  • Click 'Example' to quickly get a sample demo.
Step 2: Click the 'Submit' botton, you will get the predictive results:
  • Name: Peptide name.
  • Sequence: Peptide sequence.
  • Pre-Score: Probability score.
  • Pre-Activity: Predictive activity. ACEiP = ACE-inhibitory peptide, non-ACEiP = non-ACE-inhibitory peptide.
  • Length: Peptide length.
  • Mass: Peptide mass.
  • pI: Isoelectric point.
  • Hydrophilicity: Hydrophobic residue ratio.
  • Mutation: Mutation of residues in peptide sequence.
Step 3: If you want to get the prediction information of the mutation sequence, please click the 'Mutation' botton:
The default mutation of the peptide is the first site. Through the site selection list, you can make any site mutation to the current sequence. Of course, you can also continue the new mutation prediction through the 'Mutation' button in the prediction list.
Style 2: Upload file
Step 1: Upload a file in FASTA format directly from your local disk:
  • Please upload a *.fasta (or *.txt) file and the sequence must be in FASTA formant incuding name and sequence.
  • Click 'Example' to quickly get a sample file.
Step 2: Click the 'Upload' botton, you will get the predictive results:
  • Data Sets: File classification and naming. Upload file = Upload original file, Prediction file = Prediction results for all samples, ACEiPs: Samples predicted to have ACE-inhibitory activity, non-ACEiPs: Samples predicted to have no ACE-inhibitory activity, Error log: Error feedback (If error occur during the forecasting process, it will be recorded in this file and displayed directly below.).
  • Name: File name.
  • Total: The total number of samples contained in the current file.
  • Right: Number of samples without errors.
  • Error: Number of samples with errors.
  • ACEiPs: Number of ACEiPs (ACEiPs = ACE-inhibitory peptides).
  • non-ACEiPs: Number of non-ACEiPs (non-ACEiPs = non-ACE-inhibitory peptides).
  • Download: Download file.
Step 3: You can also directly click on the file name in the 'Name' list to directly preview the result online:
For example, clicking on the 'ACEiPs(2021-06-15 21-06-58).fasta' will display the classification information of the samples that are predicted to have ACE-inhibitory activity.
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